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When you visit Middlebury’s websites we collect certain information from you. This policy aims to educate users about Middlebury’s use of that information and provide guidance about how you can limit use of your information.
Middlebury takes user privacy seriously and does not collect personally identifiable information about you when you use our websites unless you enter contact information, such as name, email, address or telephone numbers, when requesting a specific action from Middlebury (such as being added to a mailing list or requesting correspondence). When you enter personally identifiable information into our websites, we only use that information for the intended purpose and do not otherwise distribute or use your identifying data.
Middlebury does identify and track your IP address and uses cookies to track your use of our websites. We also allow third party service providers to use cookies to track the activity of your IP address. Cookies are small files stored on your computer (unless you block them) used to track and save your preferences for future visits and compile aggregate data about site traffic and interactions. Middlebury uses cookies to improve the user experience. Third party service providers use cookies to place advertisements for Middlebury across the internet and to target advertisements for goods and services.